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Dispute Resolution


Notary Public
China-Appointed Attesting Officer

Paul Liu joined Wilkinson & Grist as a trainee solicitor in 2001 and became a partner in 2010. Paul specializes in commercial, insolvency and banking litigation. Paul also has extensive experience in handling arbitration, administrative and regulatory works.

1. Acting for a local property developer in successfully defending a claim involving legal issues such as the role of the Hong Kong Courts in the enforcement of a foreign arbitral award, in particular whether it was permissible for the Hong Kong Courts as the enforcing Court to re-characterize the remedy as earlier granted by CIETAC in Beijing and whether the concept of “constructive trust”, “knowing receipt of trust property” and “the tort of conspiracy” exist under PRC laws.

2. Acting for the Commission of Inquiry on allegations relating to the Hong Kong Institute of Education to investigate whether there has been any improper interference by Government officials with the academic freedom or institutional autonomy of the Institute.

3. Acting for one of the interested parties in the Commission of Inquiry into the Collision of Vessels near Lamma Island on 1 October 2012.

4. Acting for one of the local universities to claim against its contractor for defective building works for over HK$100 million in an arbitration.

5. Acting for a multinational company in defending a claim lodged by one of the Government departments relating to the provision of IT system for over HK$120 million in an arbitration.

6. Acting for the liquidators of a Hong Kong listed company to claim against the former agent of the provisional liquidators for negligence for over HK$50 million.

7. Acting for the Broadcasting Authority in resisting a judicial review application filed by a homosexual against its decision whereby a warning was given by the Authority to RTHK in preparing certain programme.

8. Acting for banks and brokerage firms to deal with investigations by Hong Kong Monetary Authority or the Securities and Futures Commission.


    • The University of Hong Kong (B.Sc.)
    • The Manchester Metropolitan University (LL.B.)
    • Admitted in Hong Kong, 2003
    • Also admitted in England and Wales (non-practising)

Past and Present Honours and Appointments

          • Honorary Legal Adviser to Against Child Abuse Limited.

          • Member of the Board of Review under the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap.112).

Paul is a contributor to the Hong Kong chapters for Juris Net LLC in Enforcement of Money Judgments and Attachment of Assets.